Sunday, August 19, 2007

Serenity and poise

I am not known for serenity and detachment - I think I'm one of the world's more reactive people! I like to BE in the moment and feel and express my emotions.
To touch another person with my passion -
To be fully present - involved

While I love the concept of zen and simplicity and maintaining eternal poise and serenity, I think I am more like a willow whip or bamboo or even silk, something that moves and bends and gets energised by things.

To remain detached must I think mean a loss of involvement somehow.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but even while I'm taking photographs, something of the moment must touch me - my emotions are engaged, my sense of who I am is heightened by recognising the element in that particular scene that touched something of me.


Anonymous said...

Zen is about living in the moment, feeling the feelings, but trying not to allow them to get in the way of seeing objectively, of seeing the essence/heart of the matter and not affecting your judgment adversely. This is the simplest explanation of a subject that is quite complex. Hope you get the drift, tho'.

Some of your images are Zen-like, as I've mentioned before, as you can see the 'essence', which is very Zen-like! You're a natural! All creative people have that capacity, some more than others, depending on your level of emotional maturity, and from experiences that teach you things.

Your sand images are clean/simple, well structured, creative, and that one wants to look at again and again.

Adiemus said...

Thank you so much!